---------------------------------------------------------------------- ICFP 2024 29th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming September 2 - 7, 2024 Milan, Italy https://icfp24.sigplan.org/ TUTORIAL PROPOSAL FORM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This form is due May 24th, 2024. NAME OF THE TUTORIAL: PRESENTER(S): (Please complete the following table for each presenter.) Name : Address : Email : Phone : Mobile : REQUIRED PARTICIPANT BACKGROUND: (What background knowledge and skills will be assumed? Is the tutorial primarily intended for industrial users of functional programming, researchers in functional programming, or some other audience?) LEARNING OUTCOMES: (What will participants be able to do after the tutorial?) SCHEDULING CONSTRAINTS: (Are there any days on which you cannot hold the tutorial? What is your timezone? Any constraints on the timing of the event?) PARTICIPANT PREPARATION: (What preparation is required? Do participants need to bring laptops? If so, do they need to have any particular software?) PLANS FOR PUBLICITY: (Including, but not limited to, web pages, mailing lists, and newsgroups.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: (If there is any additional information that you would like to make us aware of, please include the details here. For example, you may wish to indicate a preference for particular dates, or that the tutorial should not be run in parallel with certain workshops; in such cases, please also include the reasons for your preference.)