The International Conference on Functional Programming - Call for Papers

Call for Papers


International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP '97) Amsterdam, The Netherlands

June 9--11, 1997

The second ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming will cover the theory and practice of functional programming, including language design, semantics, implementation, program transformation and the relationship to imperative and concurrent programming. The conference is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN in association with IFIP WG 2.8.

Topics include (but are not limited to): language design: evaluation strategies, type systems, modules, interaction, memory management, specific languages (e.g., Clean, Erlang, Haskell, Id, Lisp, ML, pH, Scheme and Sisal), new languages; theory: semantics of the lambda calculus and related calculi, continuations, state and effects, control operators, I/O, polymorphism, subtyping, overloading; implementation: abstract machines, code generation, data representation, register allocation, run-time systems, garbage collection, distributed implementation, systems programming, threads; program transformation and analysis: alias analysis, update analysis, analysis of time complexity, strictness analysis, deforestation, partial evaluation, abstract interpretation.

In addition to the above well-established topics, authors are welcome to submit papers that address the potential of functional programming in the emerging situation of globally distributed computing and interaction.

Papers presented at the conference must describe new ideas or experimental results that have not previously been published. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences will not be accepted. Papers will be judged on relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and clarity. Each paper should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, saying why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. Authors should make every effort to make the technical content of their papers understandable to a broad audience.

Authors should submit an extended abstract not exceeding 12 pages typeset 11 point on 16 point spacing to the program chair. Papers exceeding these limits will be rejected or arbitrarity truncated. By default, submission is electronic. Permission to submit a paper using an alternative method must be obtained from the program chair. The deadline for completing submission is: 1p.m.Universal Time (UTC), November 18, 1996. Late submissions will not be accepted. Submission is only complete when the electronic version of the paper has been successfully received and printed by the program chair, so authors are kindly requested to study the details of the submission procedure at least two weeks before the deadline. Details on how to submit can be found here. . The ICFP'97 home page is here .

General Chair:

Simon Peyton Jones , Department of Computing Science, Glasgow University, G12 8QQ, Scotland, phone: +44-41-330-4500.

Program Chair:

Mads Tofte, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 1, DK2100 Copenhagen, Denmark, phone: +45-3532-1422.

Program Committee:
Alex Aiken - University of California, Berkeley

Andrew Appel - Princeton University

Zena Ariola - University of Oregon

Marc Feeley - University of Montreal

Shail Aditya Gupta - HP Laboratories

Peter Lee - Carnegie Mellon University

Xavier Leroy - INRIA

Martin Odersky - University of Karlsruhe

Rinus Plasmeijer - Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen

Colin Runciman - University of York

Amr Sabry - University of Oregon

Guy Steele - Sun Microsystems Laboratories

Philip Wadler - University of Glasgow

Paul Wilson - The University of Texas at Austin

Note: Previous versions of this call for paper incorrectly requested a "full conference paper" instead of an "extended abstract".