[ICFP Accepted Papers and Program 2002]
October 4-6, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Affiliated with PLI 2002

The following papers will be presented at ICFP 2002.

Accepted Papers and Program

Friday, October 4

0900—1000Invited Presentation:
Towards More Natural Functional Programming Languages
Brad Myers (Carnegie Mellon University)
1000—1030 Coffee break
1030—1100Bootstrapping One-sided Flexible ArraysRalf Hinze (Universität Bonn)
1100—1130Concatenate, Reverse and Map Vanish For FreeJanis Voigtländer (Dresden University of Technology)
1130—1200Monads for Incremental Computing Magnus Carlsson (Oregon Health & Science University)
1200—1230 Packrat Parsing: Simple, Powerful, Lazy, Linear Time Bryan Ford (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
1230—1400  Lunch
1400—1430 Contracts for Higher-Order Functions Robert Bruce Findler (Northeastern University), Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University)
1430—1500 An Interoperable Calculus for External Object Access Atsushi Ohori (JAIST), Kiyoshi Yamatodani (JAIST)
1500—1530 Composable and Compilable Macros Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
1530—1600  Tea break
1600—1630 A Demand-Driven Adaptive Type Analysis Danny Dubé (Université de Montréal), Marc Feeley (Université de Montréal)
1630—1700 Exception Analysis for Non-Strict Languages Kevin Glynn (University of Melbourne), Peter Stuckey (University of Melbourne), Martin Sulzmann (University of Melbourne), Harald Sondergaard (University of Melbourne)
1700—1730 Modular Typechecking for Hierarchically Extensible Datatypes and Functions Todd Millstein (University of Washington), Colin Bleckner (University of Washington), Craig Chambers (University of Washington)

Saturday, October 5

0900—1000 Invited Presentation:
Functional formal methods
J Strother Moore (University of Texas at Austin)
1000—1030  Coffee break
1030—1100 Shortcut fusion for accumulating parameters and zip-like functions Josef Svenningsson (Chalmer University of Technology)
1100—1130 Composing Monads Using Coproducts Christoph Lüth (Universität Bremen), Neil Ghani (University of Leicester)
1130—1200 Interactive Visual Functional Programming Keith Hanna (University of Kent)
1200—1230 Typing Dynamic Typing Arthur Baars (University of Utrecht), Doaitse Swierstra (University of Utrecht)
1230—1400  Lunch
1400—1430 A Theory of Overloading Martin Sulzmann (University of Melbourne), Peter Stuckey (University of Melbourne)
1430—1500 Type Classes With More Higher-Order PolymorphismMatthias Neubauer (Universität Freiburg), Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg)
1500—1530 An Expressive, Scalable Type Theory for Certified Code Karl Crary (Carnegie Mellon University), Joseph Vanderwaart (Carnegie Mellon University)
1530—1600  Tea break
1600—1630 Meta-Programming with Names and Necessity Aleksandar Nanevski (Carnegie Mellon University)
1630—1700 Tagless Staged Interpreters for Typed Languages Emir Pasalic (Oregon Health & Science University), Walid Taha (Yale University), Tim Sheard (Oregon Health & Science University)
1700—1715 There and Back Again Olivier Danvy (University of Aarhus); Mayer Goldberg (Ben Gurion University)
1715—1725  Program chair presentation
1725—1800  Programming contest results

Sunday, October 6

0900—0930 A compiled implementation of strong reduction Benjamin Gregoire (INRIA Rocquencourt), Xavier Leroy (INRIA Rocquencourt)
0930—1000 An Experimental Study of Renewal-Older-First Garbage Collection Lars Hansen (Opera Software), William Clinger (Northeastern Univ)
1000—1030 Compiling Scheme to JVM bytecode: a performance studyBernard Serpette (INRIA), Manuel Serrano (INRIA)
1030—1100 Final shift for call/cc: Direct implementation of shift and reset Michael Sperber (University of Tübingen), Martin Gasbichler (University of Tübingen)
1100—1130  Coffee break
1130—1230 Invited Presentation:
Program generation, termination, and binding-time analysis
Neil Jones (DIKU)

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