Functional Morphology
Types for Path Correctness for XML Queries
Regular Expression Patterns
Multi-return function call
Implementing Functional Logic Languages Using Multiple Threads and Stores
Generics for the masses
Scrap more boilerplate: reflection, zips, and generalised casts
Making a fast curry: Push/enter vs eval/apply for higher-order languages
Improving Static Analysis via Partial Evaluation for Embedded Languages
Searching for Deadlocks while Debugging Concurrent Haskell Programs
A Nanopass Infrastructure for Compiler Education
Monadic Regions
Translating Dependency into Parametricity
A Type-Theoretic Foundation of Continuations and Prompts
Relating Models of Backtracking
Types, potency, and impotency: Why nonlinearity and amnesia make a type system work
Numbering Matters: First Order Canonical Forms for Second-Order Recursive Types
Process Logic and Duality
Verification of Safety Properties for Concurrent Assembly Code
A Sound (and Complete) Model for Contracts