ACM has produced a couple of LaTeX, Word Perfect, and Microsoft Word style files that meet this specification. You can find them at Unfortunately, there are a number of things wrong with these templates; their multiple problems have been described by Norman Ramsey in a SIGPLAN Notices article ("LaTeX support for proceedings", Norman Ramsey, SIGPLAN Notices 37(4) (Apr 2002), pp1-3). Please do not use these style files if you can at all avoid it; they look pretty bad. (In particular, the ALL-UPPER-CASE SECTION TITLES are pretty garish.)
Happily, Mike Sperber has produced a LaTeX class file that does not have these deficiencies, and meets the ACM spec. You can find it here:
Word Perfect and Microsoft Word users can use the style files found at the ACM link above -- they are not as attractive or as well engineered as Sperber's design, but will meet the spec. If you are preparing your paper with some system other than LaTeX, then you are on your own with respect to the ACM formatting specification.
Mike's class file has the following differences from the ACM one
\documentclass[preprint]{sigplan-proc}It only switches off explicitly doing \pagestyle{empty}. By default this just switches on page numbers, but it also gives you control over page headings. For example, you can say this in the document preamble
\pagestyle{myheadings} \markboth{Fred Bloggs}{Draft of: \today}
\subtitle{\today}to do the job. (The subtitle command is documented in the ACM guide.)
\toappear{Submitted to the Wobble Workshop 2007.}This is useful for drafts of papers not yet accepted for publication.
\documentclass[nocopyrightspace]{sigplan-proc}This is meant for when you want to typeset other papers or drafts that are not ACM copyright and don't need the space.
If you wish to use the CM font, it is easily arranged -- just add the command
\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{cmtt}However, CM is typically defined as a native TeX/Metafont font, not a PostScript type-1 font, and ACM requires type-1 PostScript fonts, so you (may) also have to change your dvips command:
dvips -t letterSize -P cmz <...whatever you have normally...>The -t letterSize tells dvips to format for US letter size, which is what ACM wants, and the -P cmz somehow solves the type-1-font problem. (This is copied from the ACM FAQ on this topic; see the whole FAQ topic for more information. See also the dvips documentation. Also note that, on a standard Linux system, the font configuration file referenced by -P cmz lives in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/config.cmz and /usr/share/texmf/dvips/bluesky/config.cmz.) Incidentally, doing this also means that when you convert to PDF you get decent looking output.
Don't forget the -t letterSize argument, especially if you are in a country that uses A4 paper by default!
The result of [Mouse94] is fundamentally flawed -- indeed, willfully wrong-headed -- as we had previously shown in [PrincipiaInformatica92].Instead, write
Mouse' result [Mouse94] is fundamentally flawed -- indeed, willfully wrong-headed -- as we had previously shown as early as 1992 [PrincipiaInformatica92].This sometimes requires you to change your sentence structure around. But it is never correct to use a citation, such as [Harper92] or [Peyton-Jones85], as a part of a sentence. Authors commonly do this. It is not correct. People who know better grimace when they stumble over this kind of error. Don't be one of the unfortunate souls whose published oeuvre is blighted in this unseemly manner.